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Codes For Showing the error messages when the combobox are left empty
If chandbox.SelectedItem = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select the color of hand")
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select the correct width of the hand")
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select the color of square clockface")
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = cclockbox.SelectedItem Then
MessageBox.Show("The color of hand and color of square face cannot be the same")
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select The Seperation Between Consecutive Positions Of The Hand :")
ElseIf speedbox.SelectedItem = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select the speed of rotation")
ElseIf dirbox.SelectedItem = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select the direction of rotation")
Code for chosing the color of the hand
If chandbox.SelectedItem = "aliceblue" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.AliceBlue
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "black" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Black
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "blue" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Blue
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "chocolate" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Chocolate
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "crimson" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Crimson
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "gold" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Gold
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "green" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Green
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "maroon" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Maroon
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "orange" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Orange
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "pink" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Pink
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "red" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Red
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "violet" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Violet
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "white" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.White
ElseIf chandbox.SelectedItem = "yellow" Then
c.Color = Drawing.Color.Yellow
End If
Code for deleting making another hand so that it seems that the hand is moving/rotating
If cclockbox.SelectedItem = "aliceblue" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.AliceBlue
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "black" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Black
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "blue" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Blue
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "chocolate" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Chocolate
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "crimson" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Crimson
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "gold" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Gold
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "green" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Green
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "maroon" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Maroon
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "orange" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Orange
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "pink" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Pink
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "red" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Red
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "violet" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Violet
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "white" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.White
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "yellow" Then
b.Color = Drawing.Color.Yellow
End If
Code for selecting the Width of the line(hand of a clock)
If whandbox.SelectedItem = "1" Then
c.Width = 1
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "2" Then
c.Width = 2
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "3" Then
c.Width = 3
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "4" Then
c.Width = 4
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "5" Then
c.Width = 5
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "6" Then
c.Width = 6
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "7" Then
c.Width = 7
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "8" Then
c.Width = 8
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "9" Then
c.Width = 9
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "10" Then
c.Width = 10
End If
Code for width of another hand
If whandbox.SelectedItem = "1" Then
b.Width = 1
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "2" Then
b.Width = 2
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "3" Then
b.Width = 3
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "4" Then
b.Width = 4
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "5" Then
b.Width = 5
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "6" Then
b.Width = 6
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "7" Then
b.Width = 7
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "8" Then
b.Width = 8
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "9" Then
b.Width = 9
ElseIf whandbox.SelectedItem = "10" Then
b.Width = 10
End If
Code for chosing the Background color of the clock/panel
If cclockbox.SelectedItem = "aliceblue" Then
clock.BackColor = color.AliceBlue
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "black" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Black
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "blue" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Blue
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "chocolate" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Chocolate
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "crimson" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Crimson
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "gold" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Gold
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "green" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Green
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "maroon" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Maroon
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "orange" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Orange
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "pink" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Pink
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "red" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Red
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "violet" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Violet
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "white" Then
clock.BackColor = color.White
ElseIf cclockbox.SelectedItem = "yellow" Then
clock.BackColor = color.Yellow
End If
Code for choosing the Seperation Between Consecutive Positions Of The Hand
If sepbox.SelectedItem = "4" Then
h = 4
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "5" Then
s = 5
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "8" Then
h = 8
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "10" Then
h = 10
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "16" Then
h = 16
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "20" Then
h = 20
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "25" Then
h = 25
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "40" Then
h = 40
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "50" Then
h = 50
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "80" Then
h = 80
ElseIf sepbox.SelectedItem = "100" Then
h = 100
End If
Code for choosing the speed of rotation
If speedbox.SelectedItem = "Very Fast" Then
sp = 50
ElseIf speedbox.SelectedItem = "Fast" Then
sp = 100
ElseIf speedbox.SelectedItem = "Medium" Then
sp = 1000
ElseIf speedbox.SelectedItem = "Slow" Then
sp = 1500
ElseIf speedbox.SelectedItem = "Very Slow" Then
sp = 10000
End If
Codes for making the clock visible and other combo box, labes invisible
clock.Visible = True
pstf.Visible = False
chand.Visible = False
chandbox.Visible = False
whand.Visible = False
whandbox.Visible = False
face.Visible = False
cclockbox.Visible = False
sep.Visible = False
sepbox.Visible = False
speed.Visible = False
speedbox.Visible = False
dir.Visible = False
dirbox.Visible = False
Start.Visible = False
Codes for selecting the rotation of hand and for starting the clock.
g = Me.CreateGraphics
g = clock.CreateGraphics
If dirbox.SelectedItem = "Clock Wise" Then
ElseIf dirbox.SelectedItem = "Anti-Clock Wise" Then
End If
End If
Codes for starting the clock in clockwise direction:
Private Sub cw()
While s = 0
For x1 = h To 400 Step h
g.DrawLine(c, 200, 200, x1, 0)
requiredpausetime = sp
t1 = Now
numberofmilliseconds = 0
Do Until (numberofmilliseconds >= requiredpausetime)
t2 = Now
pausetime = t2 - t1
numberofmilliseconds = pausetime.TotalMilliseconds
g.DrawLine(b, 200, 200, x1, 0)
Next x1
For y1 = h To 400 Step h
g.DrawLine(c, 200, 200, 400, y1)
requiredpausetime = sp
t1 = Now
numberofmilliseconds = 0
Do Until (numberofmilliseconds >= requiredpausetime)
t2 = Now
pausetime = t2 - t1
numberofmilliseconds = pausetime.TotalMilliseconds
g.DrawLine(b, 200, 200, 400, y1)
Next y1
For x2 = 400 - h To 0 Step -h
g.DrawLine(c, 200, 200, x2, 400)
requiredpausetime = sp
t1 = Now
numberofmilliseconds = 0
Do Until (numberofmilliseconds >= requiredpausetime)
t2 = Now
pausetime = t2 - t1
numberofmilliseconds = pausetime.TotalMilliseconds
g.DrawLine(b, 200, 200, x2, 400)
Next x2
For y2 = 400 - h To 0 Step -h
g.DrawLine(c, 200, 200, 0, y2)
requiredpausetime = sp
t1 = Now
numberofmilliseconds = 0
Do Until (numberofmilliseconds >= requiredpausetime)
t2 = Now
pausetime = t2 - t1
numberofmilliseconds = pausetime.TotalMilliseconds
g.DrawLine(b, 200, 200, 0, y2)
Next y2
End While
End Sub
Coding for starting the clock in anti- clock wise direction:
Private Sub acw()
While s = 0
For y1 = h To 400 Step h
g.DrawLine(c, 200, 200, 0, y1)
requiredpausetime = sp
t1 = Now
numberofmilliseconds = 0
Do Until (numberofmilliseconds >= requiredpausetime)
t2 = Now
pausetime = t2 - t1
numberofmilliseconds = pausetime.TotalMilliseconds
g.DrawLine(b, 200, 200, 0, y1)
Next y1
For x1 = h To 400 Step h
g.DrawLine(c, 200, 200, x1, 400)
requiredpausetime = sp
t1 = Now
numberofmilliseconds = 0
Do Until (numberofmilliseconds >= requiredpausetime)
t2 = Now
pausetime = t2 - t1
numberofmilliseconds = pausetime.TotalMilliseconds
g.DrawLine(b, 200, 200, x1, 400)
Next x1
For y2 = 400 - h To 0 Step -h
g.DrawLine(c, 200, 200, 400, y2)
requiredpausetime = sp
t1 = Now
numberofmilliseconds = 0
Do Until (numberofmilliseconds >= requiredpausetime)
t2 = Now
pausetime = t2 - t1
numberofmilliseconds = pausetime.TotalMilliseconds
g.DrawLine(b, 200, 200, 400, y2)
Next y2
For x2 = 400 - h To 0 Step -h
g.DrawLine(c, 200, 200, x2, 0)
requiredpausetime = sp
t1 = Now
numberofmilliseconds = 0
Do Until (numberofmilliseconds >= requiredpausetime)
t2 = Now
pausetime = t2 - t1
numberofmilliseconds = pausetime.TotalMilliseconds
g.DrawLine(b, 200, 200, x2, 0)
Next x2
End While
End Sub
Private Sub close_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles close.Click
End Sub
End Class
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